Ms. Birdsall's Class Reads Great Books!

Please write to me about the books you are reading. We can all see the books you're reading, and we can get some ideas for books others might read.

Be sure to tell us the title, the author, a little bit about the book, and whether you would recommend it to others.

Enjoy reading and your summer!
Ms. Birdsall

Monday, June 9, 2008



Anonymous said...

I just read a book called The New Baby Calf by Edith Newlin Chase.It took plays on a farm. I liked this book because of the pictures.

Anonymous said...

Hi Jared-
I can't wait to hear about the other books you read this summer. Maybe you'll read more with great pictures, and maybe you'll read some without any pictures!

Anonymous said...

Hi Ms. Birdsall,
I hope you are having a great
summer. I have been reading lots of books. My favorite one was "Pumpkin Day, Pumpkin Night". A boy picked the perfect pumpkin and made a jack-o-lantern.

Anonymous said...

Hi Jared-
I'm so glad that you wrote to me! It sounds like you're reading great books. Keep up the good work. I can't wait to hear about more. Happy July 4th!