Ms. Birdsall's Class Reads Great Books!

Please write to me about the books you are reading. We can all see the books you're reading, and we can get some ideas for books others might read.

Be sure to tell us the title, the author, a little bit about the book, and whether you would recommend it to others.

Enjoy reading and your summer!
Ms. Birdsall

Monday, June 9, 2008



Anonymous said...

I just read a book called the twits by Roald Dahl

it was about these to mean pepole that ate bird pie every wednesday

I liked this book because it was funny when the birds and the monkeys put there furnicher on top of the sealing so they did a head stand and they got the srinks.

Anonymous said...

Thank you fo rwriting to me about the book. I think that book is funny too, but some of it is a little crazy, don't you think? You might want to try some more books by this author! Keep reading and writing!
Ms. Birdsall