Ms. Birdsall's Class Reads Great Books!

Please write to me about the books you are reading. We can all see the books you're reading, and we can get some ideas for books others might read.

Be sure to tell us the title, the author, a little bit about the book, and whether you would recommend it to others.

Enjoy reading and your summer!
Ms. Birdsall

Monday, June 9, 2008



Anonymous said...

My first pony.By Tessa Krailing.
It was about,A boy that wants a horse named Misty but at the end he gets the horse.I liked this book because it had a lot of details and it was a little funny.
From,Lauren Audette

Anonymous said...

There's a great book called Misty of Chincoteague that you might like. Look for it in the library. You will see the connections between that book and the one you already read. Keep up the good book.